Friday 18 September 2015

Dad Made It: Crochet Tools for Muvverhookers...

So the last time Dad and I worked on something it was my GCSE maths coursework. There were tears, it didn't end well and I wasn't (quite) old enough to hit the Merlot to take the pain away.

Fast forward 20years and due to a Grandparent-down-size-garage-clearance situation, Dad has taken up wood turning...Like a tired mum to Friday night gin, he's got bloody addicted. I like the fact an ancient skill is being passed on from one generation to the next. My mum likes the fact that Dad lives in the garage.

He's made a lovely couple of yarn bowls, pincushion-cups and most lushly, crochet hook stems. This is the pretty bit that makes me feel like Hermione Grainger (slightly more than usual). And a big plus is the fact that they stop my hand gripping the hook so hard -you sort of roll the hook in your fingers rather than my usual vice-like claw hand. Anything that reduces the RSI pain and awful tension problems is fine by me.

So where can you get them? Initially from some of the Autumn & Christmas Fairs I've got coming up. Come and see the hooks in action and have a go yourself. Then, on my etsy shop. Dad's always up for a challenge and a commission, so drop me a message and we'll see what we can do. After all, it make's Mum's life quieter! xx

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